"I'm in Vegas."
For those of you who do not know, Las Vegas is my hometown and I'm here for the holidays. I was chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school when I got this call. A friend of mine, the lovely and talented Tracie Thoms was on her way back to Baltimore from LA with a connecting flight through Vegas. Her flight was 45 minutes late getting to Vegas thus she missed her connecting flight home. The next flight wasn't until 4:30 the next afternoon.
I stayed on the phone with Tracie while she narrated her journey on the shuttle from the airport to her "hotel." The Super 8 Motel. Now when you're in Vegas and you hear the word hotel, you might get a little excited. This was - how do you say - a kick to the balls. Yeah that seems to capture it. Needless to say, tracie was taken aback by how "real" everything was. Oh Indeed. That was the word she kept using "real."

Tracie found something in her room that was very telling. They gave her a care package of pills that prevent hangovers called Chasers, eye drops to prevent red and skin conditioner. Not Soap. Skin Conditioner. Apparently it's a post shower cream to put on your skin. Yeah, it was confusing to me too. Its somewhere between soap and lotion. With those items the hotel is assuming a lot about why you're there.
"Hey come on in! So we got you some things for the reason you're probably here. That's right!! we got you Chasers to cure the hangover you'll get from your current drunken daze, drops for those weed soaked 4am eyes, and skin conditioner so your wife won't be able to detect the smell of that street skank whose bottom lip you're chewing on. Leave a tip!!"

So you 6 people that read this. Go and support Tracie.
Oh yeah...Check out this video. It's like a messed up Rat Pack. Its the brainchild of Trevor Moore from the Whitest Kids You Know.
Long tiem reader, first time commenter.
Your Time-Warner holiday ad is/was running in my market. Wondering if you wanted to chat about doing this kind of caricature work. When I saw it, it reminded me of Eddie Steeples "Staples" ads and Vaughn Lowery's "Boxer Boogie" campaign. I came away feeling fetished. If you wanna chat about it for my blog, hit me up.
Glad to hear about your friend Tracie. Just worried about her appearance in a Tarantino movie. Maybe it's just me, but I find it annoying the way he has all of the black people in his movies be "black"... I mean, 70s explotation-movie black, saying-nigger-more-times-than-Michale-Richards-on-speed black. He does give black actors work, gotta say that, but he makes them work for it. Anyway, nice blog... again
I saw that video over at Dan's. It's just lovely, and you are my favorite part!
Ellis Island Casino? Seriously?
I picture surly immigration officials marking the garments of those who look unhealthy and changing the names of everyone that they let in.
i'm one to talk, but i think it's time you update your blog hehe... that and whats with all the sex spam in ze comments?
I am probably one of the few people who owns all the Wonderfalls episodes on dvd. Great show. And Tracie was fabulous in it.
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